
Another problem when traveling is how to pack your bags efficiently. You're not sure how to arrange everything so it fits perfectly. If you take a big bag, you're afraid it will be too heavy, and if you take a small one, you worry it won't fit everything. Today, I'll share some (not-so) secret tips to help you save space while packing.

  1. Roll Clothes Instead of Folding: Rolling clothes can save a lot of space because it takes up less room compared to folding traditional-style. Once you've rolled your clothes neatly, use rubber bands to secure them in place to prevent unwinding.
  2. Divide Liquids: Instead of carrying large bottles of soap and creams, use small containers to store them. This can save a significant amount of space. Additionally, many accommodations provide soap and lotion, so you don't need to bring your own.
  3. Place Shoes in Shoe Bags: Putting shoes in bags not only saves space but also helps maintain their shape while in the bag.


4. Use Ziplock Bags for Small Items: Put small items in ziplock bags to prevent them from scattering and make them easy to find.

5. Pyramid Packing: Arrange your belongings like a pyramid, with larger or thicker items at the bottom of your bag, gradually transitioning to smaller sizes          toward the top.

6. Vacuum Seal Thick Clothes: Thick clothes can take up a lot of space in your bag, but they are sometimes necessary, like winter coats. To save space, fold and        place them in a vacuum-sealed bag. Remove the air and seal the bag to reduce the size and prevent it from puffing up.

7. Choose the Right Travel Bag: Select a travel bag that suits your needs. If you're going on a short trip, opt for a smaller bag instead of a large one, especially          if it's a lightweight getaway."

The Thai government's initiative, ThailandCONNEX, aims to be another platform for connecting and promoting communication among Thai citizens. It serves as an additional channel to facilitate interaction and accessibility, surpassing the previous limitations. This development has made it easier than ever to connect and access information and resources in Thailand.